
Specialists in XBRL Service for MBRS filing with SSM

Our solution is designed and delivered by professionals to assure quality and reliability
19+ years.  26 countries.  28,000+ clients.  400,000 reports.
Specialists in XBRL Service for MBRS filing with SSM
Our solution is designed and delivered by professionals to assure quality and reliability
19+ years.  26 countries.  28,000+ clients.  400,000 reports.


MBRS / XBRL Reports Made Easy

XBRL for SSM Filing

Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has introduced a new online submission platform called the Malaysian Business Reporting System (MBRS) that requires all companies to submit their Annual Financial Statements in an XBRL format digitally.

Under the new regulation, all Malaysian incorporated companies and foreign companies registered under the Companies Act 2016 will be required to digitally file a full set of financial statements under the MBRS in XBRL file format unless otherwise exempted.

As an XBRL solution provider, we help several Companies, Auditing, and Secretarial firms in Malaysia to successfully convert financial statements into XBRL format to comply with SSM.

With the initiative of MBRS, XBRL filing in Malaysia by SSM, պ, with experienced experts in XBRL reporting under both MFRS and MPERS standards, provides you with a fully compliant and 100% error-free XBRL report that will meet the SSM requirements in the voluntary phase and also after the mandate in future.




պ is market-ready and caters to the XBRL needs of Malaysian entities in this voluntary phase from 2018 to till-date. We have also done a few pilot projects for the top accounting firms and companies in Malaysia. We have leveraged our technical skills and global experience to empower our team of experts in understanding and addressing the challenges that come with the conversion of financial statements in XBRL format for successful filing.

Get your XBRL now



պ MBRS/XBRL solution Verified by SSM Biz Trust

պ has achieved official verification by SSM Biz Trust! This esteemed verification is a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing trustworthy and compliant over online services. We continue to set benchmarks in excellence and trustworthiness towards our MBRS/XBRL solution.


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